Whole school

Daily Lesson Plan Template Printable
A daily lesson plan is something must-do thing in the life of a teacher. To come out of monochrome have some fun making a lesson plan with bright and fun colours with this template. This template is generic and useful for any subject to make a basic or detailed lesson plan.

Book Review Worksheet
A book review worksheet is a simple way to keep record of all the books read. It has three pages with different design to have more options and fun while filling the reviews. Colour and monochrome print is possible with this worksheets.

To do list for organized living
To-do list is something which we need every day to completely focus on the task. During the lockdown, the to-do list helps to keep us away from laziness. This one is a fun to-do list with pop and bright colours. It is little short than A4 size paper but one can print on any size paper and stick it on the fridge or anywhere in the house or give it to students.